Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The best thing that has ever happened to me! Seriously!

I just wanted to tell everyone about the love of my life. Raspberry Beret (newly dubbed) came into my life Saturday, March 22 and it has been pure bliss ever since. Let me set the scene. Recently the weather has been changing in Provo, thus making it ideal for bike riding. I love to ride bikes, it takes me back to the summer after 8th grade when my best friends and I would ride our bikes everywhere, even in the 100+ degree Phoenix temperatures, (we'd do anything for a 39 cent cheeseburger from McDonalds).
Anyways, my bike Buttercup is currently out of comission, so I have been borrowing my roomates bike. I finally decided it was time to find a new, more functional bike, I'm done with the one speed. So on that fateful day I headed over to the D.I. (local thrift store) to see what gems would be awaiting me in the bike department. I have looked for bikes at the D.I. before and choices are scarce so I wasn't really expecting anything. But, as soon as I walked in there was one of the most beautiful bikes I had ever seen, I started to check it out, 1970's Schwinn, beautiful. As I was eyeing the bike a guy came up behind me and started talking on the phone to his wife/girlfriend, he was like "yeah I am looking at the bike right now, it is the male version, they also have the female version...which one do you want?"
What! There was a female version of this beautiful bike! I immediately checked out the situation and as I turned the corner, there Raspberry Beret stood. Beautiful. She has the original raspberry colored paint, with little chipping, original basket, bell and rear view mirror. Best of all, there is a head light and back light that is powered by a generator. I grabbed that bike, sat on it and started to wheel off as that guy came over. He was like "oh are you going to buy that?" and I was like "Yes, peace out". I rode to the cash register and never looked back. Hahahahah. Kind of sad, I bet that guy wanted matching his and hers bikes for him and his lady.
Raspberry Beret was only 15 bucks, I had to get new tires but they were only 40$, total cost 55$, a small price to pay for something that totally changed my life. (pictures soon to follow)

R.I.P. Buttercup August 07-March 08


KB said...

Kristin, you are hilarious. Your story of Raspberry Beret is one of the most compelling tales of fate and love that I have ever heard.

Bex said...

I have seen this bike- I would liket to testify of it's fantasticness. Kristin, good work and I'm glad you stole it from that guy. Gustsy move!